The “Patients” and “Warnings” screens can be filtered to only display patients based on a user’s specific daily assignment. To start the assignment configuration process, the Filter menu is selected from the header. Filter categories can be expanded/collapsed via the arrows. Assignment configuration will filter the “Patients” and “Warnings” screens for each signed-in user independently and enable the user to select their assignment based upon:
Assignment Selection - Hospital Floor: A multiselect option which displays patients that are located within specific floors configured for each hospital's organizational structure. If a hospital is selected, all of the associated floors will also be selected. If a hospital is deselected, all of the associated floors will also become unselected. All available active hospital and floor options are selected by default.
Note: Assignment selection will control the user's daily assignment. Any units or facilities not selected will not send warning notifications for those patients and will not appear in the Warnings List.
Warning Levels: A multiselect option which displays patients that meet the rule criteria for the selected warning severity
- Very High
- High
- Medium
- No Warning
All warning severity options are selected by default. This filter will only apply to the Patients List and does not apply to notifications.
Warnings Time Frame: Displays patients that have a warning state change that occured within the selected timeframe. This filter will only apply to the Patient List. The options that are available to select are:
- All Warnings (selected by default)
- 1 Hour
- 2 Hour
- 6 Hour
- 24 Hour
The filter categories can be used simultaneously or on a one-by-one basis. To clear the selected filters, tap the 'Reset to Default' button. Tapping 'Apply' will update the 'Patients' screen to display patients that meet the filter criteria selected. To exit without saving changes, tap the 'X' in the header.
Filter selections will persist through user sign out and session timeouts. Upon logging back into the application, any filter option(s) previously selected and applied will remain in place until the filter option(s) are cleared, updated, or the 'Reset to Default' option is selected.