The search bar is launched by tapping the “Search” icon in the header. The search function is activated once 3 characters have been entered into the search bar. Returned results will display for any database matches related to a patient’s first name, last name, patient ID or visit ID. The search results will update with each character entered into or deleted from the search bar.
Search results will return any patients that are available within the RI Mobile application and are not restricted to the user’s selected assignment or filters. Partial matches on patient’s first or last names may occur as the first few characters are entered into the search field, but results will become more exact as additional letters are entered. If a patient has more than 1 active visit, the patient will return in the search for both visits, with the most recent admit listed first. Selecting a patient from the list will open the patient’s details on the Patient Specific View screen.
To clear the text entered into the input field, tap the “x” within the search bar. To cancel a search and exit out of search mode, tap the “X” in the header.
Barcode Scanning
If enabled, clinicians may search for patients using the patient’s issued wrist barcode and the camera of the mobile device. To access the barcode scanner, select the “Search” icon in the application header. On the first search that is initiated, the device will request permission from the user to access the device’s camera on behalf of the application. This message will vary by hardware/software device.
Once camera access has been granted, the camera will enable. Center the barcode within the viewing window. Once scanned, the application will immediately enter the scanned contents into the search input and display any matching patients. Additional configuration can be applied to match the encoded barcode content with the format of the visit number/patient IDs stored in the application database.
If access to the device camera is denied an error message will appear. Once dismissed, clinicians may search for patients using the input field. Camera access can later be granted by changing settings within the device’s settings according to client device management policies.