Rothman Index® Trend
The Spacelabs mission is to redefine avoidable deaths by identifying patient deterioration earlier. Leveraging the Rothman Index (RI), Spacelabs assists organizations by providing an early warning system that alerts clinicians to patient deterioration that may lead to life-threatening conditions through a visual representation of the patient’s condition. The RI is automatically calculated from nursing assessments (including Braden or Braden Q), vital sign documentation, and lab results. Today, The Rothman Index Trend (RI Trend) can be accessed through a web-based URL on dedicated workstations, most often used in a centralized surveillance location. Additionally, RI Trend is accessible through an organization’s Electronic Health Record system where end users can access RI Trend’s functionality and graphs for any desired patient.
The Rothman Index Trend (RI Trend) is a software application powered by RI Server – the platform that imports electronic health record (EHR) data to compute and store RI scores and related measures.
This knowledge base describes functionality of RI Trend to assist end users in using and understanding the components of the product. The specific details will be described from the perspective of a user working with RI Trend web.
Note: RI scores will not be generated if the RI Server is not running and warning states will not be generated if the RI Server and/or rules and warning engines are not warning.
RI Trend provides users with two basic views of RI scores:
- Array View: A dashboard-style view where multiple graphs are displayed simultaneously, organized by warning level (warning lanes) as the default. Other filters are available for the user to select based on their desired organizational display. This view also provides a 'Warning Panel' that allows end-users to be able to track and monitor warning state change notifications that occur during their RI Trend session.
- Patient Specific View: An individual patient's graph from which users can see an individual patient's RI score over different time spans, and access clinical inputs to each RI score, as well as patient visit and demographic information, and warning details.
To gain further insights into the Rothman Index, refer to the articles listed below: