Data Filters

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RI Trend Data FIlters

Upon selecting the filter menu icon, the sidebar filter menu opens on the left side of the screen with the options to control the scope of the data relevant to the selected module.

The filter menu is where the assignment configuration process is completed. The filter menu is located in the left corner of the header menu and upon selecting the icon, the sidebar navigation toolbar docks to the left side of the screen. This allows for a full view of the graphs on the dashboard as updates are made and applied from the options in the filter menu. 

The logged-in user can continue to view “All Patients” by default or individually select any combination of options for which he/she is assigned to monitor. The filter menu contains 3 sections, organizing filter options into groups based on their function: Assignment, Filters, and Settings. A 4th section is added when a custom filter preset is configured and saved to the filter menu.

The logged-in user can continue to view “All Patients” by default or individually select any combination of options for which he/she is assigned to monitor. The filter menu contains 3 sections, organizing filter options into groups based on their function: Assignment, Filters, and Settings. A 4th section is added when a custom filter preset is configured and saved to the filter menu.


Assignment configuration via filtering enables an end user to select their geographic area(s) of responsibility based upon Location by Facility and Unit. 

Location by Facility and Unit is a multiselect option which displays patients that are located within specific units configured for each hospitals organizational structure. If a facility is selected, all of the associated units will also be selected. If a facility is deselected, all the associated units will also become deselected. All available active facility and unit options are selected by default. 

Assignment selections will persist through user sign out and session timeouts. upon logging back into the application, any facility/unit previously selected and applied will remain in place until the Assignment option is updated or cleared. 



Patient Age Group: A single select option which displays patients based on age population. Available options to select are:

  • All (default) 
  • Adult (18 years of age and above)
  • Pediatric (all patients below the age of 18) 

Warning Level: A multiselect option which displays patients that meet the rule criteria for the selected warning severity:

  • Red - Very High 
  • Orange - High 
  • Yellow - Medium 
  • Blue - No Warning 

 All warning severity options are selected by default. 

Warning Time Frame: Displays patients that have a warning state change that occurred within the selected timeframe. The option is a free text field where a numerical value can be entered into the field, or the arrow selection can be used. The warning time frame is represented in hours. 

Diagnosis: A free text field, that upon entering 3 characters, will begin to display search matches in alphabetical order. Results will only return for diagnoses linked to at least 1 active visit within the signed-in user’s assignment. Clicking the “plus” sign selects the associated diagnosis. A list of selected diagnoses will begin to build below the search field. To deselect a diagnosis and remove it from the list, click the “minus” sign. 

Service Lines: A multiselect option that displays all available service lines within the signed-in user’s assignment. All service lines are selected by default. Options include a “Select All” button, “Deselect All” button, and a search field to locate a specific service line within the list. Service lines can be
selected manually by checking the checkbox next to the service line’s name. Clicking a checkbox will remove the checkmark and deselect the associated service line.

RI Score: Filters the patient population based on the current RI score. The multi-select options can be selected in conjunction with each other or independently. The options that are available to select are:

  • Patients with RI Scores
  • Patients without RI Scores

The 'Patients with RI Scores' option provides the ability to select a RI score range via free text field that accepts whole numbers between -100 and 100. The value entered is evaluated via a comparison operator selection dropdown to determine how to yield the results. The operator drop-down options include: 

  • Less Than 
  • Less Than or Equal To 
  • Greater Than or Equal To 
  • Greater Than 

If the “Patients with RI scores” checkbox is deselected, The RI score free text field will become disabled since the option is inactive. The "Patients Without RI Scores" checkbox becomes disabled when any
changes are made to the “Patients with RI scores” option. Returning the default value (operator drop down set to "Less Than or Equal To and RI Score field set to "100"), enables the "Patients Without RI Scores" option for selection. 

Provider: A multiselect option that allows a user to create a list of providers to filter the array view results by typing in the provider(s) name. A list of providers with a ‘+’ symbol will appear as the user types at least 3 characters of the provider’s name. The user can then select one to many provider names by
selecting the ‘+’ symbol to add to the filter criteria. To remove a provider’s name from the filter criteria the user would then select the ‘-‘ symbol next to the name. Once all providers are selected the user can select apply filter. 

Length of Stay: Displays patients based on a numerical length of stay value. The value entered is evaluated via an operator selection dropdown to determine how to yield the results. The Array View will display all length of stays by default when no selection is made in the Length of Stay filter. The operator drop-down options include: 

  • Greater Than 
  • Greater Than or Equal To 
  • Less Than or Equal To 
  • Less Than 

Clinical Variables: Allows the display to be filtered for any of the patient’s vitals, nursing assessments or lab values. The filter list will provide a drop down list of these items and allow the user to select the ‘+’ sign to add the item to the filter list. Once the value is selected the user will then need to add the condition to be met for the item. For numeric items, vitals and labs, the user will need to add the operator, the value and enter in the length of time (hours) the selected criteria has been true. The operator drop-down options include:

  • Greater Than 
  • Greater Than or Equal To
  • Less Than or Equal To
  • Less Than 

For the nursing assessment criteria the user will select either 'Met' or 'Not Met' and enter in the length of time (hours) the selected criteria to be true. 


Order By: Sort order for the graphs within the “Group By” sections loaded into the Array View. The default graph sort order is Warning Created Time – with most recent warning first, followed by a sub-sort of RI score – low to high score, then alphabetical by Patient Name. Selecting the ascending/descending arrow will change the chronological order of the list. Options for sorting are: 

  • Hospital LOS (length of stay) 
  • MRN
  • Patient Name
  • RI Score
  • Room Number
  • Visit Number
  • Warning Severity
  • Warning Created Time 

Group By: Option to group graphs within the array view using the lane
designations. The default grouping is “Warning Category.” Options for
grouping are:

  • Warning Category 
  • Hospital LOS (length of stay) 
  • Provider 
  • Facility 
  • Unit 
  • None (all patients) 

Patient Chart Title: The graph title default for each patient graph is 'Patient Name' for the Array View. Options for graphs title are:

  • Visit Number
  • Admission Date
  • MRN 
  • Patient Name
  • Full Location (Unit, Room, Bed) 
  • Unit & Room 
  • Room number 
  • Anonymous (used in research scenarios) 

Patient Graph View Size: The intent of the large and small array size options is to provide end users with different surveillance options dependent upon assignment size which will vary by use case. Users can switch between the large array view to a small array view by clicking on the toggle icon options:

  • Graph View (large array size) 
  • Tile View (small array size) 

The small tile array view includes the following information: 

  • RI Scores (most recent) 
  • Current Warning State as indicated by color of graph tile (Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Gray)
  • Previous Warning State if change occurred in the last 4 hours (indicated by a color triangular "badge" in the upper right-hand corner of the tile) 

When no selection is made, the Graph View (large array) option will apply to the graphs in the Array View by default. 


Filter criteria can be saved as custom presets in the filter menu for quick access allowing a user to identify patients matching a particular use case, for example discharge consideration or palliative care review. Selecting a preset from the Presets list will update the graphs displayed on the Array View based
on the options that are included in that preset. The filters and settings included in the preset will show selected in the Filter Menu.

Please note, assignment selections (facilities and units) by default do not save as part of preset creation. This allows for the user to change assignments while still using the saved preset for viewing your patient populations. If a user would like to include the assignment location(s) (facilities and units) into the preset, there is an indicator selector in the Assignment section that will save the currently selected assignment locations into the preset. The preset will show an indication if the location is included

To Create a preset: Make selections from the various options within the Filters and Settings section, then click the "Save As Preset" button to save to the Preset. A "Presets" section will appear containing the newly created preset. Additional presets that are created will be added to the Presets section. The
active preset will be highlighted in the list. Upon creation, the preset is applied to the Array View. Switching between presets will update the graphs displayed in the Array View accordingly. 

Save a Preset: To save changes to the preset name and/or preset options and exit edit mode,
click the Save "disk" icon on the preset's row or the "Update Preset" button at the bottom of the filter menu. To exit edit mode without saving changes, click the exit "x" icon on the preset's row or the "Exit" button at the bottom of the of the filter menu. If the "Apply Filters" button was selected while in edit mode, the Array View will still display the options that were applied, however these options will not have saved to the preset if the "Exit" button or icon was selected.

Delete a Preset: To delete a preset, click the delete "trashcan" icon on the presets' row. A message will appear stating "Are you sure you want to delete 'Preset Name'. Selecting "Yes" will delete and remove the preset from the list. Selecting "Cancel" will keep the preset in the list. If there are no presets saved, the
Preset section will be removed from the Filter menu.

Click the "Clear" button to deselect a preset filter and remove its options from the Array View display as well as reset filter options and settings to their original values. Any options selected in the Assignment filter will not be cleared.

Default Preset: If 1 or more presets are configured in the filter menu, the preset that was selected most recently will be loaded the next time the user logs in. If no presets are configured or the last used preset was deleted, the array view will appear with its filters and settings as they were prior to the last log out.  

Applying Filters: The ‘Apply Filter’ or ‘Save as Preset’ button will become active if changes are made to the current selected filters or settings. If there are no patient graphs matching the selected criteria, a message will appear on the array view area reading “No active visits match criteria”. Once the end user completes their selection, the filter menu can be closed by selecting the filter icon in the header to maximize viewing capabilities.


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