PSV Accessing Prior Visits

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Prior patient visits with an RI score are accessible from the Patient Specific View. The “Visits with RI Scores” button will display a count of prior visits available for viewing within parenthesis. If there are no prior visits with RI scores for the patient, then this tab is not displayed. RI Trend will only display prior visits if the patient had at least one RI score calculated within that visit, and thus this count will not necessarily reflect the total number of visits the patient has had in the facility.

Selecting the “Visits with RI Scores” button opens the prior visits window for the associated patient and displays the current visit in the main display by default. The prior visit header and graph has the same functionality of the Patient Specific View. There will be one graph thumbnail for each prior visit with a calculated RI score. The current visit is visible as the last graph within the prior visits list. The shading of the patient banner header is white for prior visit graphs, as the presence or absence of current warning information is not applicable.

Clicking on any of the graph thumbnails in the list will display its associated graph to further drill down into the specific encounter. Hovering over a prior visit graph will produce a tool tip providing an overview of the associated visit.

Additionally, while the Prior Visits button is accessed, users can view data for all visits within the same graph. The zoom button in the top left of the graph or the navigation bar below the graph will allow for accessing a timeline that covers all visits that meet the criteria to be shown. Selecting the “All” Zoom button will trend all that patient’s data within the same graph, allowing for trend comparisons across
multiple visits. To navigate back to the Patient Specific View, select the “Back to main chart” tab. 

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