Patient Access Overview

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Navigating to Patient Access Overview 

To access the Patient Access Overview section, begin by selecting the Usage module on the left side of the screen in the navigation menu. The Patient Access Overview will appear as the second section on the page. Click the upward facing arrow on the right to expand the window. The Patient Access Overview content area focuses on when and how patients are being accessed by users. It also trends the number of patient graphs viewed by users over time within each application. 

Total Patient Views (by Day, by Hour) 

This visualization presents the 'Total Patients Viewed' measure as defined above over the time frame selected in the filter menu. The X and Y axis of the visualization will display all hours within a week. 

The Total Patient Views graph provides a comprehensive overview of product adoption and adherence to protocols, offering valuable insights into user behavior. It allows managers or staff to analyze when other users typically assess patient graphs, aiding in the identification of workflow optimization opportunities. Hovering over a data rectangle within the graph, users can see detailed information regarding the patient views for that specific dat of the week and particular hour. This interactive feature facilitates deeper analysis and exploration of user engagement patterns. 

Total Individual Patient Graphs Viewed 

This visualization presents the 'Total Individual Patients Graphs Viewed' measures as defined above over the time frame and group by selected in the filter menu. Metrics are grouped into series based on which Rothman Index application was used to view the patient. 

This graph illustrates the frequency of application usage for viewing patients graphs, highlighting which applications are leveraged most frequently. It depicts the increase or decrease in the number of graphs viewed over time. By clicking on a specific bar graph series, users can access all patient views within the selected timeframe and viewing method, displayed in the table above the graph. 

Patient Access Detail Table 

Shows the underlying data that supports the Total Patient Views metric, including additional attributes for analysis and research including every individual patient view and whom viewed the data. 

This table can be used to audit which users viewed a particular patients data within the Rothman Index applications by using the 'Search' bar on the top left of the the table.

Users can download the table in Excel or CSV format by clicking the icon in the top right corner. In the bottom left corner, options are available to adjust the number of patients displayed per page, with choices of 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, or 1,000. Navigation through the patient list is made easy with the front and back arrows located in the bottom right corner. 

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