In-House Module Overview

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In-House Module Overview

The In-House module visualizes the state of all in house patients (inpatient, outpatient, observation, and emergency) relative to their current RI score, current RI warning state (if applicable) and length of stay. The dashboard supports decision- making for bed management, discharge planning, ICU utilization, resource planning and opportunities for palliative care. 

The In-House module includes the following visualizations: 

  • Patients by current RI 
  • Current warning state
  • Length of stay and patient acuity based on current RI

The module title is located on the left side of the screen in the navigation menu. 

Measure and Data Definitions

Admit RI: The first valid RI score generated during the encounter. Measures the patient's acuity upon admission. 

Discharge RI: The last valid RI score generated during the encounter. Measures the patient's acuity upon discharge. 

Length of stay: For discharges, length of stay (LOS) is calculated as the exact difference between the admitting and discharge date/timestamps. 

Patients: Patients may be any patient class (inpatient, observation, outpatient, emergency). 

Module FIlters

The data in the In-House module may be filtered by the following attributes: 

  • Facility/Unit associated with the visit. 
  • Unit type associated to the unit upon discharge.
  • Service line associated to the visit. 
  • Current patient class. 
  • Age group associated with the age upon admission. 


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