Unplanned Transfers to the ICU

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Accessing the Unplanned Transfers to the ICU Section

To access the Unplanned Transfers section, select the Outcomes module from the left side of the screen. Unplanned Transfers is the fifth section from the top. Click the upward-facing arrow on the right side to expand the window. This section includes three visualizations that chart relevant RI scores associated with unplanned transfers to the ICU. 

Unplanned Transfers Volume and Average RI (Admit & First in ICU) 

This graph tracks the trend of unplanned ICU transfer volume over time, correlating with patient condition. It counts transfers into the ICU from routine or progressive units occurring at least 12 hours after admission. Also, it includes the initial valid RI score generated during an encounter, which measures patient condition upon admission. The graph highlights the first valid RI score generated during the return ICU stay. Hovering over the graph will highlight the time period providing the total volume of UPTs and Average RI on admission and into the ICU. 

Unplanned Transfers to the ICU by Active Warning State

The Unplanned Transfers to the ICU by Active Warning State graph presents the changing condition of patients upon the transfer into the ICU across time. It features the current warning state associated to each patient at the point of their ICU transfer, offering insights into their clinical status. Additionally, it charts the number of transfers into the ICU from routine or progressive units, specifically those occurring at least 12 hours post-admission, providing a perspective on the frequency of such transitions. Hovering over the graph will highlight the bar graph section providing the total volume of UPTs for that warning type. 

Average ICU Length of Stay for Unplanned Transfers

The Average ICU LOS for UPT graph compares the average ICU length of stay trends over time across various ICUs. It includes the count of transfers into the ICU from routine or progressive units occurring at least 12 hours after admission. The calculation ,method involves determining the precise number of days between the unit entry date/time and the unit exit date/time, then dividing this by the count of unit transfers. The graph is initially limited to 10 units displayed, allowing for the user to select/deselect the units to graph. Hovering over the graph will highlight the line providing the average ICU LOS for the time period. 

Unplanned Transfer to the ICU Patient List 

Below the three UPT to the ICU visualizations is the patient list, which includes the following patient information: 

  • Visit number
  • Medical record number
  • Patient name
  • Admit date
  • Discharge date
  • Facility patient is located
  • Service line code
  • Discharge unit
  • Discharge unit type
  • Discharge disposition
  • Admit RI score
  • Discharge RI score
  • Minimum RI score
  • Maximum RI score
  • Exact length of stay 
  • Calendar length of stay 
  • Midnights length of stay 
  • Admitting provider
  • Attending provider
  • Primary diagnosis 
  • Unplanned transfer count 
  • Bounce back count 
  • Highest warning 

This section displays a comprehensive list of patients and their data featured in the UPT to the ICU visualizations. In the top left corner, users can search through this list, while also having the option to download it in Excel or CSV format on the top right side of the screen. The bottom left corner offers controls to adjust the number of patients shown per page, with choices of 10, 25, or 50. Additionally, navigation through the patient list is facilitated by front and back arrows located in the bottom right corner. 

Patient RI Graphs

Below the Patient List, the user will find a set of RI graphs corresponding to each patient. The number of graphs displayed is determined by the 'Items per page' setting selected in the patients list above. 

Users can customize the display at the top of the RI graphs by selecting the Chart Title menu. The options available for customization include: 

  • Visit number
  • Admission date
  • Medical record number 
  • Patient name 
  • FUll location
  • Unit & room 
  • Room number
  • Anonymous 

Users can click on a patient's graph to open it in full- screen mode for a larger view. Alternatively, hovering over a patient's graph will provide a concise preview of the patient's visit information. 


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