Outcomes Module Overview
The Outcomes Module offers an extensive array of pre-defined data visualizations and tabular datasets designed to facilitate the analysis of retrospective outcomes trends and measures over time. Through interactive graphs, healthcare organizations can explore specific measures and outcomes related to the Rothman Index related to discharges, mortality, length of stay, readmissions, unplanned transfers to the ICU, and 24hr ICU bounce backs.
The Outcomes Module is broken down into the following sections:
- Discharges
- Mortality
- 30-day Readmission
- Length of Stay
- Unplanned Transfers to the ICU (UPT)
- 24hr ICU Bounce Backs
Each section has the section title on the left and an arrow on the right that will expand and collapse the section. Upon expansion, the visualizations (and data table if applicable) will display within the section.
The graphs and related content areas support various functions, including identifying areas of opportunity and improvement, acquiring baseline measurements, tracking progress, and conducting root cause analysis on specific patients.
Measure and Data Definitions
Active Warning: The warning level active at a specific period of time (e.g. upon transfer into the ICU, current warning).
Admit RI: The first valid RI score generated during the encounter. Measures the patients acuity upon admission.
Discharge: Inpatient discharge with at least one valid RI score value generated during encounter.
Discharge RI: The last valid RI score generated during the encounter. Measures the patient's acuity upon discharge.
FIrst in RI: The first valid RI score generated upon entry into a unit. Measures the patient's acuity upon transferring into a unit.
Highest warning: The highest warning level a patient reaches during their encounter.
ICU Bounce Back: An unplanned return to intensive care within 24 hours of a prior discharge from the ICU to a routine or step-down unit.
Note to customers with mixed ICU Units:
- Patients returning to the ICU for the purpose of intermediate care or treatment may be counted as a bounceback.
- Patients returning to the ICU for the purpose of intensive care after a previous discharge from the ICU for the purpose of intermediate care may be counted as a bounce back.
Last Out RI: The last valid RI score generated before a patients transfers out of a unit. Measures the patient's acuity upon transferring out of a unit.
Length of Stay: for discharges, length of stay (LOS) is calculated as the exact difference between the admitting and discharge date/timestamps.
- For unit LOS, it is calculated as the exact number of days between the unit entry date and the unit exit date.
Mortality: Inpatient discharge with a discharge disposition equal to Expired.
Unplanned Transfers to the ICU (UPT): Patient transfers to the ICU from a routine unit (not OR, ER, PACU) into the ICU. The patient must have been admitted for at least 12 hours prior to the transfer to the ICU.
Note to customers with mixed ICU Units:
- Patients transferring into the ICU for treatment or intermediate care may be counted as an unplanned transfer to the ICU. This can be mitigated by employing a time limit to the ICU stay. Please work with the Spacelabs Analytics Team.
30-day Readmission: All cause, same facility. Uses the number of days between an inpatient discharge and inpatient admission.
Module Filters
The data in the Outcomes module may be filtered by the following attributes:
- Facility/Unit associated to the visit.
- Service Line associated to the visit.
- Unit type associated to the unit upon discharge.
- Age group associated to the age upon admission.
- Date associated to the discharge, admit, or transfer date.
Data may be grouped by any of the time- unit options in the "Group By" filter option.