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Patient Vitals Tab

The information provided on the Vitals tab includes vital graphs, trends, data resolution, the HR range, the respiration range, and an SpO2 histogram.

To View Patient Vitals

  1. Select a patient.
  2. Select the Vitals tab located on the left side of the screen.  


The Vitals tab allows a timestamp, organized view of the patient’s automated vital input, as well as manual input. Selecting the graph icon along the top left allows the user to see the data displayed in various formats such as a Heart rate, SpO2 and Respiration graph above. At the bottom of the page, the user can identify the SpO2 histogram of a patient, the HR Range, and the Respiration Range.

Vital Graphs


  1. Color-coded waveforms displayed for HR, Respiratory, and SpO2 across a 12-hour graph with customization available.
  2. SpO2 is also displayed as a histogram, and HR and Respiration are also shown as pie charts.
  3. On the Graph tab, the user may click and drag to zoom in anywhere on the graph.
  4. View latest data for Today or select custom date from the drop-down calendar. 
  5. Decide the resolution of patient vitals by Beat2Beat or 1-minute intervals. Beat2Beat displays the highest resolution of vital data being generated from the monitoring device.
  6. Hover over the graph to see HR, SpO2, and RR for a selected time. If an ECG is available a waveform icon allows the user to click and jump to the Waveforms tab at the selected time.

Vital Trends

Tab over to the Trends tab and the data from the graph in a list format. 

  1. View latest data for Today or select custom date from the drop-down calendar. 
  2. Decide the resolution of patient vitals by Beat2Beat or 1-minute intervals. Beat2Beat displays the highest resolution of vital data being generated from the monitoring device.


We check for ART vitals every 10 seconds, as long as it is received and not older than 5 minutes. If this criteria doesn't apply and if we receive NIBP instead, then we show NIBP in place of ART BP.
Available ART feed names:
  • ART
  • ART1
  • ART2
Note: Whichever Art line out of available options user wants to see live vitals should be labeled as ART.


P/N 070-2811-01 Rev. A

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