SafeNSound Desktop Application

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This document defines the current System Requirements for SafeNSound, including all related services and features, as well as how to install the web client on our computer system. 

  • Read instructions thoroughly, and use the site to answer questions you may have. 
  • The help site contains documentation for users of all levels, from beginner to more advanced.

System Requirements

Your computer requires these minimum resources to run the application suite:

  • 64-bit Windows 10, Window 11
  • Intel 8th generation processors (Intel i3/i5/i7/i9-7x),  AMD 8th generation processors (A Series Ax-9xxx, E-Series Ex-9xxx, FX-9xxx) 
  • A minimum of 8GB RAM for Workstations without Live Waveforms
  • A minimum of 16GB RAM for Workstations with Live Waveforms
  • A minimum of 16GB RAM for Monitor Tech Workstations
  • RAM is based on basic usage of Microsoft Windows, EMR Applications (Cerner, Epic, Meditech), and Spacelabs SafeNSound
  • A minimum of 250 Mbytes available disk space
  • 1920x1080 or higher resolution with 256 colors minimum

NOTE: Additional right sizing may be required if other applications are used.

Citrix Requirements

Citrix install is not permitted for Central Monitoring computers. Local install is required.

  • 256 Mbytes Ram per active user
  • 1920x1080 or higher resolution with 256 colors minimum


This application is a lightweight interface built to access the cloud-hosted servers. Processor-intensive actions are performed server side in order to reduce processor and memory load on the client.

On a modern processor, such as a Xenon or I7, the typical load on the central processing unit of a single instance will be below 10% and Ram usage will be under 500 Mb.


Ram Usage



Physical Working Set 50,000 K 60,000 K
Virtual Private Bytes 75,000 K 85,000 K


Disk Usage

Typical Path
Main Application 200 MB %programfiles%\SafeNSound
Application Data 30 MB %localappdata%\SafeNSound


What You Can Do

Installation- Basic

Step 1. Run the SafeNSound install file.

Step 2. When you see the message "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?" Select "YES"

Step 3. Enter the Setup Wizard and select "Next"

Step 4. Read the agreement.

Step 5. Select "I have read the agreement".

Step 6. Select "Next".


Installation- Silent

To install all components run:



Installation- Advanced 

The Setup program accepts optional command line parameters. These can be useful to system administrators and to other programs calling the Setup program.


Example advanced install:

"c:\path\to\SafeNSoundSetupName.exe" /sai=1234 /SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPRESSMSGBOXES /LOG="c:\path\to\install.log" /CLOSEAPPLICATIONS /RESTARTAPPLICATIONS /NORESTART


  • Shows a summary of this information.
  • Ignored if the "UseSetupLdr [Setup]" section directive was set to no.
  • System Account ID. This field is used to enter your 4-digit system account id as provided by Spacelabs support.
  • Disables the "This will install... Do you wish to continue?" prompt at the beginning of setup. This will have no effect if the "DisableStartupPrompt [Setup]" section directive was set to yes.
  • Instructs Setup to be "silent" or "very silent". When setup is "silent", the wizard and the background window are not displayed but the installation progress window is.
  • When a setup is "very silent", the installation progress window is not displayed, everything else runs normally.
  • Error messages during installation are displayed.
  • IF a restart is necessary, the "/NORESTART" command is not used, and the setup is silent, it will display a "Reboot now?" message.
  • IF it is set for very silent, it will reboot automatically
  • Instructs setup to suppress message boxes. This only has an effect when combined with "/SILENT" or "/VERYSILENT".
  • Yes in a "Keep newer file?" situation
  • No in a "File exists, confirm overwrite" situation
  • Abort in Abort/Retry situations
  • Cancel in Retry/Cancel situations
  • Yes (=continue) in a "DiskSpaceWarning/DirExists/DirDoesntExist/NoUnistallWarning/ExitSetupMessage/ConfirmUnistall" situation

  • Yes (=restart) in a "FinishedRestartMessage/UninstalledAndNeedsRestart" situation
  • 5 message boxes are not suppressible:
    • The "About Setup" message box
    • The "Exit Setup?" message box
    • The "FileNotInDir2" message box is displayed when setup requires a new disk to be inserted and the disk was not found.
    • Any (error) message box displayed before Setup (or Uninstall) could read the command line parameters.
    • Any message box displayed by [Code] support function MsgBox.
  • Causes Setup to create a log file in the user's TEMP directory detailing file installation and [Run] actions taken during the installation process. This can be a helpful debugging aid. For example, if you suspect a file isn't being replaced when you believe it should (or vice versa), the log file will tell you if the file was really skipped and why.
  • The log file is created with a unique name based on the current date. (It will not overwrite or append to existing files.)
  • The information contained in the log file is technical in nature and therefore not intended to be understandable by end users. Nor is it designed to be machine-parse able. The format of the file is subject to change without notice.
  • Same as /LOG, except it allows you to specify a fixed path/filename to use for the log file. If it file with the specified name already exists it will be overwritten. If the file cannot be created, setup will abort with an error message.
  • Prevents the user from canceling during the installation process by disabling the Cancel button and ignoring clicks on the close button. Useful when used /"SILENT" or "/VERYSILENT".
  • Prevents setup from restarting the system following a successful installation or after a "Preparing to install" failure that requests a restart. Typically used along with '/SILENT" or "/VERYSILENT".
  • Specifies a custom exit code that setup is to return when the system needs to be restarted following a successful installation (By default, 0 is returned). Typically used along with '/NORESTART".


  • Prevents setup from closing applications using files that need to be updated by setup. If "/CLOSEAPPLICATIONS" was also used, this command line parameter is ignored. 
  • Instructs setup to restart applications if possible. If the setup didn't close these applications (for example because "/NOCLOSEAPPLICATIONS"), this command line parameter is ignored. 
  • Prevents setup from restarting applications. If "/RESTARTAPPLICATIONS" was also used, this command line parameter is ignored. 
  • Instructs setup to load the settings from the specified file after having checked the command line. This file can be prepared using the '/SAVEINF=" command as explained below.

Don't forget to use quotes when the filename contains spaces.

  • Instructs setup to save installation settings to the specified file.

Don't forget to use quotes when the filename contains spaces.

  • This overrides the default directory name displayed on the "Select Destination Location" wizard page. A fully qualified pathname must be specified. This may include an "expand:" prefix which instructs setup to expand any constants in the name. For example: '/DIR=expand:{pf}\My Program'.
/GROUP="folder name"
  • This overrides the default folder name displayed on the 'Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page. This may include an "expand:" prefix. If the setup section directive "DisableProgramGroupPage" was set to yes, this command line parameter is ignored.
  • This command instructs setup to initially check the "Don't Create a Start Menu Folder" check box on the "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page.
/TYPE=type name
  • This will override the default setup type.
  • If the specified type exists and isn't a custom type, then any "/COMPONENTS" parameter will be ignored.
/COMPONENTS= "comma separated list of component names"
  • This command overrides the default component settings. Using this command line parameter causes setup to automatically select a custom type. If no custom type is defined, this parameter is ignored.
  • Only the specified components will be selected; the rest will be deselected.
  • If a component name is prefixed with an asterisk character, any child components will be selected as well (except those that include the "dontinheritcheck" flag). If a component name is prefixed with an exclamation point character, the component will be deselected.
/TASKS="comma separated list of tasks names"
  • This specifies a list of tasks that should be initially selected. 
  • Only the specified tasks will be selected; the rest will be deselected. Use the /MERGETASKS parameter instead if you want to keep the default set of tasks and only select/deselect some of them.
  • If a task name is prefixed with an asterisk character, any child tasks will be selected as well (except for those that include the "dontinheritcheck" flag). If a task name is prefixed with an exclamation point character, the task will be deselected.

Example: Deselect all tasks, then select the "desktopicon" and "fileassoc" tasks: /TASKS="desktopicon,fileassoc"
Example: Deselect all tasks, then select a parent task and all of its children with the exception of one: /TASKS="*parent,!parent\child"

/MERGETASKS="comma separated list of task names"
  • This is like the “/TASKS” parameter, except the specified tasks will be merged with the set of tasks that would have otherwise been selected by default.
  • If “UsePreviousTasks” is set to yes, the specified tasks will be selected/deselected after any previous tasks are restored.

Example: Keep the default set of selected tasks, but additionally select the "desktopicon" and "fileassoc" tasks:/MERGETASKS="desktopicon,fileassoc"
Example: Keep the default set of selected tasks, but deselect the "desktopicon" task:/MERGETASKS="!desktopicon"


Installation- MSI 

Here are standard command-line options for the Microsoft Standard Installer (Msiexec.exe), the executable used to interpret packages and install products.

Command-line options are case insensitive.

Msiexec sets an error level on the return that corresponds to System Error Codes.


Example msi install:

msiexec /i c:\path\to\SafeNSoundSetupName.msi /quiet /qn /norestart /log c:\path\to\install.log


Help and quick reference option. Displays the correct usage of the setup command including a list of all switches and behavior. The description of usage can be displayed in the user interface. Incorrect use of any option invokes this help option.

The equivalent Windows Installer Command-Line Option is: /?.

Msiexec /help.


Quiet display option. The installer runs an installation without displaying a user interface. No prompts, messages or dialog boxes are displayed to the user. The user cannot cancel the installation.

Use the /norestart or /forcerestart standard command-line options to control reboots. If no reboot options are specified, the installer restarts the computer whenever necessary without displaying any prompt or warning to the user.

The equivalent Windows Installer Command-Line Option is: /qn.

Msiexec /package Application.msi /quiet

Msiexec /uninstall Application.msi /quiet

Msiexec /update msipatch.msp /quiet

Msiexec /uninstall msipatch.msp /package Application.msi / quiet


Passive display option. The installer displays a progress bar to the user that indicates that an installation is in progress but no prompts or error messages are displayed to the user. The user cannot cancel the installation.

Use the /norestart or /forcerestart standard command-line options to control reboots. If no reboot option is specified, the installer restarts the computer whenever necessary without displaying any prompt or warning to the user.

The equivalent Windows Installer Command-Line Option is: /qb!- with REBOOTPROMPT=S set on the command line.

msiexec /package Application.msi /passive


Always restart option. The installer always restarts the computer after every installation.

The equivalent Windows Installer command line has REBOOT=Force set on the command line.

msiexec /package Application.msi /forcerestart


Prompt before restarting option. Displays a message that a restart is required to complete the installation and asks the user whether to restart the system now. This option cannot be used together with the /quiet option.

The equivalent Windows Installer command line has REBOOTPROMPT = "" set on the command line.


/uninstall (product)
Uninstall product option. Uninstalls a product.

The equivalent Windows Installer Command-Line Option is /x.


/uninstall (patch)
Uninstall update option. Uninstalls an update patch.

The equivalent Windows Installer Command-Line Option is: /I with MSIPATCHREMOVE=Update1.msp | PatchGUID1[;Update2.msp | PatchGUID2] set on the command line.

/package <Package.msi | ProductCode> /uninstall [;Update2.msp | PatchGUID2]


Log option. Writes logging information into a log file at the specified existing path. The path to the log file location must already exist. The installer does not create the directory structure for the logfile.

For more information about all the methods that are available for setting the logging mode, see Normal Logging Windows Installer.

The equivalent Windows Installer Command-Line Option is: /L*.

The following information is entered into the log:

  1. Status messages
  2. Nonfatal warnings
  3. All error messages
  4. Start up of actions
  5. Action-specific records
  6. User requests
  7. Initial UI parameters
  8. Out-of-memory or fatal exit information
  9. Out-of-disk-space messages
  10. Terminal properties

Install product option. Installs or configures a product.

The equivalent Windows Installer Command-Line Option is: /I.



Install patches option. Installs one or multiple patches.

The equivalent Windows Installer command line has PATCH = [msipatch.msp]<;PatchGuid2> set on the command line.



Step 1. Select Start.

Step 2. Select Control Panel.

Step 3. Select Uninstall a Program.

Step 4. Highlight SafeNSound Applications.

Step 5. Select Uninstall.


Uninstall does not remove the “Data” directory where the user information is stored. You must manually remove “%localappdata%\SafeNSound” to delete this data.


P/N 074-0240-00 Rev. C

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