Step 1.
Install XprezzNet on the server.
Step 2.
Configure Xprezznet.
- Go to XprezzNetAdmin Configuration
- If hospital is licenced for waveforms check "Process Waveforms"
- Go to "Categories included in AlertStreams" and select: AlertFeature, ExtendedStatus, GeneralAlert, LimitAlert, LimitChange, Status, SystemNotifications, VitalsData, and VitalsData2
- **If adding a new device to the include list, be sure to contact DevOps to restart the "Bridge Service." New devices will not collect information in SafeNSound until the restart occurs.
3. Click "Update Configuration" to apply changes
Step 3.
Update “StreamRedLimit”
- Open Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager. Or Start à Run Inetmgr
- On left panel, expand IIS server.
- Expand Sites.
- Expand Default Web Site.
- Select XprezzNet.
- On right XprezzNet Home panel, select/Double Click Application Settings.
- Select/Double Click on “StreamYellowLimit” to open Edit Application Setting window.
- Set the Value to 500, then select OK.
- Select/Double Click on “StreamRedLimit” to open Edit Application Setting window.
- Set the Value to 600, then select OK.
- On left panel, select Default Web Site.
- On right Actions panel, select Restart under Manage Website. Or on CMD window to run IISreset to restart IIS.
Step 4.
Document configuration in CRM for reference, including the XprezzNet Server Name, IP, XTR Farm Name, Transmitters to monitor, UVSL Network Number, UVSL NodeID, MAC Address of Network Adapter, Time Master, and UVSL Network Monitor Devices NodeIDs.
Step 5.
Establish site to site VPN connection between Hospital and SafeNSound. Negotiate any NAT address or ports that need to be translated.
Step 6.
Log into SafeNSound and go to customer account → settings → integration. Check "Xprezznet" and enter in the IP and port from step 4
If hospital is licensed for waveforms toggle "Waveform Integration"
Step 7.
Log into SafeNSound and go to customer account → settings → devices. Add any new devices
Step 1.
Log into SafeNSound and go to customer account → settings → integration. You will see a green dot next to the XN server. If not troubleshoot with SafeNSound team to resolve.
Step 2.
Log into SafeNSound and confirm all devices are connected under the device tab. You will see a green dot under "Status" and a IP for each device including telemetry. If not troubleshoot with SafeNSound team to resolve.