The below steps are designed to help gather logs for troubleshooting indepth problems that can't be solved with server side logs.
To save a HAR (HTTP Archive) file in SafeNSound, follow these steps:
- Download the SafeNSound Debug client from the link provided:
- Extract the downloaded zip file to a folder on the user's desktop
- Open the extracted folder
- Right-click package.json and edit in notepad
- Modify the account value to the desired system account number (*see the example below)
- Save package.json
- Run SafeNSound.exe
- Press F12 on your keyboard to open the developer tools
- Once the developer tools are open, click on the "Network" tab
- Minimize the developer tools and proceed to log in to the application as normal
- Leave the developer tools minimized until you experience an issue with the application
- Click on the "Export HAR" button located in the top center of the Network tab (**see the example below)
- Save the file to your desired location on your computer
- Email a copy of the saved file to
*Change the value highlighted in yellow
**Location of the download button