Enterprise Cockpit
The SafeNSound Cockpit Dashboard provides healthcare organizations a solution for viewing patient vitals, waveforms, and alarms on a larger central display screen, such as a TV. This assists caregivers, charge/lead nurses, and other facility staff with an additional method for observing patient activity and an ability to act quickly on events that may require intervention. It also serves as an overview for tracking beds and devices assigned to patients.
The Spacelabs Enterprise Cockpit supports up to 50 patient zones and has the ability to display one near real-time Waveform, as well as Heart Rate, Respiration Rate, SpO2, NIBP or ART values. Cockpit also supports Alarm Review for retrospective alarm management based on your Organization's alarm review policies, and will display the 9 most recent alarms for your selected patients.
The following data represents the maximum amount of patient information capable of being displayed on a single dashboard:
- Vitals only: 50 patient zones
- Waveforms only: 45 patient zones
- Waveforms & Vitals: 35 patient zones
- Bed/Device name & Alarm Review: 48 patient zones
- Waveforms & Alarm Review: 32 patient zones
- Vitals & Alarm Review: 32 patient zones
- Waveforms, Vitals, & Alarm Review: 20 patient zones
Getting Started
The first step is to install the SafeNSound Cockpit Web Client on a standalone device that will be used to host the patient display. The Cockpit desktop app should be installed on such device and configured to auto launch on start up. Once installed, it is recommended that you remove or store out of reach of any input devices, such as a mouse and/or keyboard.
To access the module configurator where the display is configured, locate the Cockpit Dashboard tab on the main navigation menu within SafeNSound.
After selecting the Cockpit icon, the user has the ability to configure the Patient Module and Alarm Review Modules.
The Patient Module configuration allows for a patient zone selection of vitals only, waveforms only, or a visibility to both vitals AND waveforms. This coincides with a selection of beds to include in the display.
Note: Beds exceeding the max number of configuration display will not be shown. If checked, the beds will be presented in ascending order.
The Alarm Review Module allows users to select the toggle to turn on and off patient alarm review presented in Cockpit and select the associated facilities/units that alarms will be displayed from.
The top right of the Module Configurator screen provides a field to enter the seven digit Cockpit Code displayed in the Cockpit Web Client.
After entering the Cockpit code and selecting Update, the selected configurations will be updated on the standalone display.
Cockpit will reflect any patient admits, transfers, discharges, and device changes and refresh automatically, as long as the bed or unit is selected within the configuration options.
Hardware Requirements
Your computer requires these minimum resources to run the application suite:
- 64-bit Windows 10 or Windows 11
- Intel Core i5 9th Gen 2.9 Ghz or Greater
- A minimum of 16GB RAM for Workstations with Live Waveforms
- A minimum of 250 Mbytes available disk space
- 1920x1080 or higher resolution with 256 colors minimum
NOTE: Additional right sizing may be required if other applications are used.