Build 3045
- Tags Order Customizing - Ability to make Org level tags appear in customized order by dragging and dropping within Admin Settings area.
- HL7 Mockup Tool - Within the org admin tool, a dropdown has been created to allow selection of different HL7 message types.
- Bedside Scanning Compliance - Implemented scan auto-detection upon manual entry of Patient/Device ID in Bedside, requiring user to input justification reason for compliance purposes.
- RI Dashboard Filtering - Added text box and typing filter capabilities to the add RI feature on Dashboard.
- ICSC Model Free Text Field - Included an additional free text field in ICSC report for Car Seat Model.
- Special Permissions Logging - When Special Permissions is toggled on/off for a Caregiver, it is now recorded in the User Activity Log.
Staffing Caregiver Types - Included a visual element to Staffing assignment by representing assigned caregivers according to color type.
Primary: BlueSecondary: GreenOther: Purple
- Alarm Filtering - Resolved defect involving "All" filtering option not including "Removed" Saved Events when selected.
- Multi-Feed Saved Events - Saved Events containing more than one feed, will now by default display the feed with measurements attached in the preview screen.
User Event Phone Number Formatting - Removed quotes and improved phone number formatting for user event logging.
- No Number = No Number Assigned
- Dept Number = (123) 456 - 7891
- Dept Number + Ext. = (123) 456 - 7891 x1234
- ICSC Date of Manufacturer Limit - Limited the Date of Manufacturer selection list to display from the current year minus 10 to the present year.
- Voice Calls Report - Resolved bug preventing Inbound Calls from displaying on Voice Calls Report graph.
- Twilio Call Groups - Added logic to auto-add all units to call group upon creation of first call group.
Patient Archive Data - When accessing an archived patient 14 days after discharge, the following data should now be accessible:
- Saved Events, Alarm Data (without waveforms), Patient Demographics, Timeline Events, and all documents generated during admit.
- Updated Error Pages - Updated 400 - 500 error pages to display one uniform template.
- Signature Box - Made minor UI improvements to the Profile signature box.
- Time-zone Dropdown - Resolved bug where attempting to update facility time zone does not provide a complete list to select from in the dropdown.
- Customer Page Download - Resolved inability to print Customer list csv file.
- Archive Grid Columns - Improved Archive grid by adding additional columns for Device and Unit.
- Archive Diagnosis - Added hover ability on Diagnosis column in Archive so all diagnoses can be viewed.
Build 2307
- SpO2 D Support - Allows SpO2 D value and waveform to be recorded and displayed under Vital Trends, Waveforms, & Live View tabs.
- Multi-Waveform Stream Connections - Utilizes a multi-stream connection to process waveforms in LiveView and on the Dashboard, minimizing probability of connection limit reach.
- Admit/Discharge Retry - Added support to automatically retry and log failed Admits & Discharges in XN every 30 seconds, up to 6 times.
- LiveView Scrolling - Added scrollbar to Live View, allowing all available feeds to be displayed, rather than a max of 7.
- XN Tele Events - Resolved instance involving Tele devices sending discharge events to XN.
Build 1839
- Version & Health Status - Incorporated XprezzNet health and version info onto the Settings Integration page.
- XN Server Toggle - Included XN Server toggle within Settings Integration page to determine if server is active or inactive.
- Leads on Bedside - Added support to specify and display lead names on Bedside devices, as well as match within SNS.
- LiveView Parameters - Adjusted sequence in which LiveView parameters are displayed.
- Offline Device Notification - In the event a device goes offline in XN, the waveform server will be notified, so that only alerted devices are pulled.
XprezzNet Stream Connections -
- Created streams for Alarms, Setting Changes, Vitals, and Device Info.
- Configured multiple connections in 1.4, in order to connect to multiple devices per stream.
- Configured one stream per patient in 1.4, in order to support multiple devices per patient.
- Device Usage Report - Added new column to Device Usage Report in order to display Device Type.
- Bedside Admit Form - Reformatted Bedside manual admit form to display demographic fields first.
- Bedside Error Messages - Error messages in Bedside have been modified to include red box surrounding messages.
- Patient DOB - Resolved patient date of birth not automatically updating on the Dashboard upon saving in Details tab.
- Recent Saved Events - Resolved defect with recent Saved Events not displaying inside the 1 hour time filter.
- Alarm Bar Navigation - Upon click of the alarm bar via the Dashboard, users will be navigated to the Alarms tab.
- Twilio Delay-to-Decline - Adjusted delay to decline value in Twilio app from 5 seconds to a minimum of 15-20 seconds.
- XN Alarm Storing - Added a check in 1.4 to only grab vitals from the last hour, to avoid storing old data.
- XprezzNet Cleanup - Organized XN data to pull from a single consistent URL.
Supported Desktop Clients
- Web Client - 7.0.5
- Mobile - 5.0
No downtime is required for this update. Users will be forced out and require to log back in once the updated has been completed. For enterprise customers, please email to request to be updated to this latest version.
Release Date: 09-29-2022