Mobile Patient Specific View

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Mobile Patient Specific View 

Patient Specific View is distributed into 3 screens, “Overview,” “RI Details,” and “History.” The Patient Specific View’s footer contains tabs to easily navigate between the 3 screens. Upon selection, a tab will become highlighted to signify which screen is actively being viewed.

The header contains the patient’s name (Last Name, First Name) and age, centered, along with a “back arrow” which returns the end user to the prior screen used to access the Patient Specific View, and an icon to enter the Notes and Interventions screen.

Overview Tab 

To access the Patient Specific View to review detailed information about the patient's current visit, tap on a patient's card from the Patients, Warnings, or Watchlist screens. The Patient Specific View launches to display the overview tab. The following details are available for review on the patient's card: 

  • Location (Unit-Room-Bed)
  • Provider
  • Diagnosis 
  • Current warning Created Date/Time
  • Current RI Score
  • Warning State (indicated by warning severity's lateral color bar and warning severity text above RI Score) 

Note: If the patient is on the signed-in user's watchlist, then the Watchlist icon will display. 

The patient's RI score graph will also display and includes the following features: 

Trend Line: The RI score trend line is a visual representation of the patient's deterioration and/or improvement during their hospital stay. 

Location Indicator: The color of the RI data points represents the location of the patient when the RI data point resulted. The indicator represents the following levels of care: 

  • Tan: Emergency Department (ED)
  • Red: ICU/Critical Care
  • Blue: Intermediate
  • Black: Medical/Surgical Care
  • Gray: Hospital at Home Care 

Warning Line: If the patient is currently under a warning, the warning line is visible in the displayed Patient Specific View graph. The red vertical line appears on the graph at the point in time the warning was created. 

Axes: The RI scale (0-100) is displayed on the y-axis. A black horizontal line will appear at the value of 0 if the patient has a negative RI score and the y-axis automatically adjusts and drops below the value of zero. The Date (MM/DD) is displayed on the x-axis is standardized to a three-day viewing period.  

Above the patient graph is a Zoom Bar, that controls the timeframe of the RI data points and timeframe within the displayed graph. There are 5 time frame option buttons: 1d, 2d, 3d, 5d, All. The selected zoom option will have a blue highlight, with white text. Selecting one of the options will increase or decrease the x-axis time range accordingly. Buttons will only display for timeframes for which data is available. For example, the “5 day” option will not display if the patient has been admitted less than 5 days. Selecting the “All” option will include all data points for the current visit. 

Adding to and Removing from the Watchlist

While on the Overview tab, a patient can be added to the signed-in user’s Watchlist via the “Add to Watchlist” toggle button. In an active state, the toggle button is shaded blue, and a “Watchlist” icon is added to the patient’s card to signify that the patient appears on the signed-in user’s Watchlist. The toggle buttons' text will read “Remove from Watchlist.

To remove a patient from the Watchlist, select the toggle button while it is in an active state. The button will return to an inactive, white state, the “Watchlist” icon will be removed from the patient’s card and the toggle buttons' “Watchlist” icon will have a diagonal slash, indicating that the patient is not on the signed-in user’s Watchlist. The toggle buttons' text will read “Add to Watchlist.” 

RI Details Tab

RI Details is a scrolling list of RI scores and their substantiating clinical variables. All RI scores generated in the last 24 hours and associated clinical variables are available within the RI Details screen, with the most recent information displaying at the top. The risk threshold is represented by the pink shadings of a variable row’s left border: light pink, medium pink, and dark pink. The darker the shading, the higher the risk associated with the variable and the more effect the variable has on the RI score’s deterioration. 

Each RI score is displayed in its own RI row along with the RI’s created date and time, and the warning state that was active at that time with the warning created date and time. Clinical variables that experienced a deterioration significant enough to cross a risk threshold will appear below the associated RI score’s row by default. The variables associated with a deterioration will display in the order of the most recently changed risk threshold. Each variable row will contain the following details:

  • Risk Threshold (indicated by lateral pink shading color bar)
  • Variable Name
  • Last Updated Date/Time (observation time) 
  • The Updated Clinical Value 

Note: The previous Clinical Value will display for labs and vitals only ina muted gray font. 

The user may view all related variables to a given RI score by clicking into the RI row. For more information on the 26 clinical variables that RI score is comprised of and their impact on the score, please refer to the “Rothman Index” section. 

History Tab

For a patient’s current visit, the History Tab provides a chronological list of warnings, interventions, and notes, with the most recent sorted to the top of the list. Performing a left swipe motion on a note or intervention card will present the options to edit or delete the associated note/intervention.

Selecting “Edit” will open the corresponding note or intervention within the Notes and Intervention screen. Any saved changes made while in edit mode will be updated and reflected on the history tab. Selecting “Delete” will remove the note or intervention from the history list. A message will appear advising the note/intervention was deleted and provide an option to undo the delete. Selecting “Undo” will restore the deleted note/intervention to the history list.

Notes and interventions can only be edited or deleted by the initial end user who created the note and/or intervention. Swiping left on a card entered by another user will present inactive options. The  Warning card will provide the following details: 

  • Card title to distinguish what type of information is being displayed 
  • Warning State's (at time of entry) color bar icon along the left border of the card
  • Warning Created Date/Time Stamp
  • Warning Expiration Date/Time stamp
  • Current Warning Status 
  • Warning State text 

The Notes and Intervention cards will provide the following details: 

  • Card title to distinguish what type of information is being displayed 
  • Warning State's (at time of entry) color bar icon along the left border of the card 
  • Username of person who entered the data
  • Created Date/Time stamp of entered data 
  • The actual data selected for the intervention or data entered for the note. 

Notes and interventions that were entered at the same time (saved with same date/time stamp) by the same user, will display with their cards linked together via their warning state’s color bar in addition to a grouping bar on the right side of the card. 


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