To access the RI Mobile application, the user’s unique network username and password is entered into the mobile device. If the log-in credentials are not successfully authenticated, the end user will receive an invalid username or password message.
RI Mobile’s security management will authenticate and authorize users via the customer’s external LDAP server. If the application is unable to connect to or retrieve data from the server, a message will appear stating “There was a problem retrieving data from the server. Please contact your technical support personnel if the issue persists.”
IOS Setup
To use the RI Mobile application on an iOS device, the user will first need to Input their organization’s 'Customer ID' and desired 'Environment' prior to log in. The Environment setting allows the user to switch between connecting to the Test or Production environment. The Environment setting can be changed after logging in. Once a valid Customer ID and Environment are entered, the user will be redirected to the login screen. If the user enters in an invalid Customer ID, the application will present a warning “Customer ID is not valid”
These settings will persist through subsequent application launches and upgrades. The Spacelabs Implementation team will provide the Customer ID.