Array View

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Graph Features

Upon login, the RI Trend dashboard displays the large array view of patients' graphs within an end user's assignment section. Patients are shown grouped together by warning state as default. The graph array view includes the following information: 

  • Graph Header
  • Current Warning State
  • Previous Warning State (indicated by a colored triangular "badge" in the upper right-hand corner of the title)
  • Location Indicator (graphs' trend line color)
  • Warning Line (if configured to display)
  • X-axis: Five day dated graph trend
  • Y-axis: Zero to 100 RI range

Clicking on a graph within the Array View launches the Patient Specific View in a new window. 

1. Graph Header

The graph header contains the graph title and the most recent RI score. The graph title is the patient’s last name, first name (by default), and is displayed on the left side of the header. The current RI score is displayed on the right side of the header. If a patient has no clinical data or insufficient data to generate a RI score, double dashes will display. See “Patient Chart Title” section within the available filters for more information.

2. Current Warning State: The graph header’s horizontal banner will be colored to indicate the current warning state. The warning state of the patient graph is determined by customerdetermined rule criteria that are configured during the installation process. 

3. Previous Warning State: If a warning change has occurred for a patient within the last 4 hours, a triangular badge will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the graph’s horizontal banner at the top. The remainder of the header indicates the current warning level. The triangular badge indicates the previous warning level, allowing clinicians to determine if a patient is deteriorating or improving.

After 4 hours (based on the current warning creation date), the badge will no longer be visible in the small or large tile array view. If a new warning is generated for a patient, the graph banner will update to display the new current warning. Previous warnings can be found in the Warning History log in the Patient Specific View.

The triangle is only seen when a patient changes warning levels (either increase or decrease) within the last four hours but does not apply to going from no warning to an active warning. The following is an explanation of the warning state of a patient: 

  • Red headers/triangle badge: Very High warning state
  • Orange headers/triangle badge: High warning state
  • Yellow headers/triangle badge: Medium warning state
  • Blue headers: No warning 
  • Gray header: Insufficient data

4. Location Indicator (Trend Line)

The color of each graph’s horizontal trend line represents the patient’s unit location when the RI score resulted. As part of the setup configuration, the organization indicates which units qualify as ICU units, intermediate care units, EDs, regular medical/surgical wards, or hospital at home units.  This provides an easy visual indicator on the RI Trend graph of the patient’s transitions in level of care. The location indicators are represented by the following designation: 

    • Tan: Emergency Department (ED)
    • Red: Critical Care (ICU) 
    • Blue: Intermediate Care (progressive/ Step Down) 
    • Black: Routine care (Medical/Surgical) 
    • Gray: Hospital at Home 

5. Warning Line

If a patient is under a current warning, the warning line (red vertical line on graph) is visible in the Array View and Patient Specific View if configured to display. The line appears at the point in time the warning was created. 

6. X-Axis: Timeframe

The X-axis time frame displays the date in “MM/DD” format and is standardized to a five-day viewing period. This allows end users to be able to review graphs and the slopes of graphs from patient to patient without having to adjust to the number of days the graph is trended over. Because the steepness of a slope indicates a rate of deterioration, a quick look at an array using a standardized time frame allows identification of concerning patient deterioration across a patient population.

7. Y-Axis: RI Scale

The RI scale is defaulted from 0 – 100 but can fall below zero. If the patient has a
negative RI score, then the Y-axis will convert to a scale of –x to 100. A zero-indicator
line will appear on the graph, indicating an RI score has dropped below 0.

Warning Lanes

Graphs are grouped into rows referred to as “warning lanes,” based on the patient’s active warning state. These warning states can be customized by the organization during the installation process. The warning lanes categorize patient graphs by current warning state. For example, patients meeting the criteria to be assigned an active “Very High” warning state will be placed in the 'Very High Warning' warning lane.

In order to accommodate when Warning Lanes contain a large number of patients, end-users can use their mouse to scroll inside of each warning lane to display and browse all patients contained within each. The warning lanes have a header that stays visible during scrolls within each warning lane section.The header contains the section name, and the total number of patients contained within the section. Clicking directly on a warning lane’s header row will collapse/expand the section.

The lanes displayed can be changed to reflect other patient categories beyond warning state. Please refer to the “Group By” section in this knowledge base under “Date Filters” for more information.

Loaded Patient Count: Each lane section will contain a count of the number of patients in each section. This will display as “( # )” following each lane’s label. The patient count stays visible during scrolls within the lane section

Patients without RI Scores

Sometimes, the array view may contain graphs with a gray header and a message of "Insufficient data received to generate RI graph.” 

This scenario typically occurs with new admissions to a respective unit and /or do not have enough clinical data (complete nursing assessments or vital signs) entered yet in the patient’s EHR to generate a score. The end user can still use the tool tip to identify additional patient specific information such as ‘Other Visits with RI Scores. If the patient has had prior visits, then the end user can access the patient-specific graph to view previous visits if desired.

Occasionally, there may be a tile in a warning lane with no scores or graph. This occurs when a patient has been discharged while in a warning state and then is readmitted within the time frame of the warning state still being active, but no new assessment or vital sign data has been received. The patient’s graph will display in the respective warning lane associated with the previous admission. The warning
header color will reflect the warning state generated by the prior visit and 2 messages will be displayed:

  • 'Insufficient data received to generate RI graph'
  • 'Warning state generated by prior visit' 

 Array View Tooltip 

When a user’s mouse hovers over a patient’s graph in the array view, a tooltip displays. The tooltip includes the following additional patient details:

  • Patient (Last name, First name)
  • Facility 
  • Unit, Room, Bed
  • Date of Birth 
  • Visit Number 
  • Medical Record Number
  • Provider Name
  • Other Visits with RI Scores
  • Count

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