SafeNSound Mirth API

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HL7 Messages can be pushed into SafeNSound via the REST API.  The endpoint is 


Only a user with the MIRTH role may invoke this API.  The API accepts a Content-Type of application/json and a JSON payload with the following format:

    "messageTimestamp"0// millis since epoch
    "messageType"""// e.g. ORM, ADT
    "messageSubtype"""// e.g. ORU, AO8
    "eventDate"0// millis since epoch
    "caregivers""" // embedded JSON string of caregivers, optional
    "middleName""", optional
    "dateOfBirth"0// millis since epoch
    "gender"""// enum, one of M, F, U, O, A, N
    "registrationNumber"""// optional
    "roomName"""// optional
    "orderType"""// optional
    "physician": {  // optional
    "height"63.2// float value, optional
    "heightUnits""in"// optional - enum, one of cm, m, in
    "weight"122.2// float value, optional
    "weightUnits""lbs" // optional - enum, one of kg, lbs, g (pounds alias for lbs)


The embedded JSON string for caregivers is defined as follows:

    "type""Registered Nurse"// must match a registered type in SNS ROL system
    "id"""// must match a user ID in LDAP
    "prefix""" // optional
    "assignedOn"0, millis since epoch
    "deassignedOn"0, millis since epoch - optional


The result of a successful API call is a JSON response of the format:

    "message""any message"


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